Saturday, October 27, 2012

Your departure

I imagined a life-time with you
You always stayed...
On my mind you never left...
You never back me down

But everything is always different in reality
And now, all that is left are the memories
But if it was all a dream...,
Could all this thinking-about-the-past thing be called memories?

I wonder how things would have been...
But then, it is all in my head
I needed the tenderness, I needed the warmness of your heart
But you resisted to give anything away

It is hard for me to understand
I thought you cared about me
I thought you cherished me
I guess... I misunderstood the way you stand

The dreams have quickly faded away
I know there is no possibility, it is the end
But I know that I can't just throw my memories away
You have a special place in my heart, my friend

I will remember the good times, 
All the things that I've learnt 
Every good laugh and sweet smile 
I would cherish them in my heart... 

But the time has come to move on 
And to look for happiness within a new dream 
It may seem hopeless to carry on 
Yet, it is worth it to have a dream once more...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

We find us...

I can hear the wave
And just then something takes over me
I float over the sea
I am deep inside a blue ocean
Nothing has ever felt so warm
The ocean recites its song
I am washed off, lying on a black shore
It is just you and me
It is just you with me
You touched my heart
You understood my soul
We laughed and so we jumped off the cliff
Landing over pure whiteness
It was too white out there what was surrounding us,
Too white so we keep our eyes shut
Once we were on this mode
The world changes its shape
And many different colours emerge
They combine with each other
Now we can no longer see only light
But also darkness coexisting together
Light and darkness moving as one
Without ever being apart...

Monday, October 1, 2012


Covered in dust she was
No chance existed for her to be found
For isolated she was
And even if she felt buried on the ground
The truth is that she could no longer distinguish where she was
Sometimes surrounded by an immense ocean
With no means to get out
Nor the skills to find her way out
Until she slowly opened her eyes
And saw herself covered by the brightness of the light
But the question remained unbound
Until she looked around
It was only then that she truly opened her eyes
And so she realized what she was
She had served as a navigation instrument
So complex for some
Remained as a riddle to others
Yet her beauty was such
That admired and desired by many was she,
Ahe became the link for those who still believe in magical worlds
And brouht joy to the ones who dare to stare above their heads
She was nothing more than what most of us call, a star...